The Cleddau Reach Rainbow Curriculum
The world is changing and we need new ideas and creative use of technology. To address these challenges, the Welsh Government wants to make sure that every child in Wales has the knowledge, skills and experiences they’ll need to make the most of life. That is why teachers and education experts from across our country have worked together to develop the 'Curriculum for Wales'.
Here at Cleddau Reach we have designed our own bespoke curriculum in line with the Curriculum for Wales guidance: the Cleddau Reach 'Rainbow Curriculum'.
In the video below you will discover the exciting curriculum journey our school has been on and gain a further understanding of the curriculum offer your child will receive during their time at Cleddau Reach.
An important element of Curriculum for Wales are the four core purposes. They are the starting point for all of our planned experiences; supporting our pupils to become ambitious capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives; enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work; ethically informed citizens of Wales and finally healthy and confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. To support the four core purposes, through pupil voice we have two curriculum mascots supporting all learners here at Cleddau Reach so that they can become familiar with the four core purposes of learning.
Our Rainbow Curriculum covers all six areas of learning and experience that make up the national curriculum. These are:
Language, Literacy & Communication
Supporting Documents
Cleddau Reach Curriculum Planning Policy 24.25
Cleddau Reach Shared Understanding of Progression 23.24