Cwricwlwm Cymraeg
The curriculum and ethos of Cleddau Reach, wherever possible, will reflect and celebrate what is distinctive about life in Wales and help pupils to acquire a sense of belonging. At times, contributions are made through National Curriculum subjects and at other times a whole school approach is more suitable.
Pupils will learn and understand about their own locality and community and also about parts of Wales. Care will be taken, however, to avoid promoting a stereotypical view of 'Welshness'. Although the images of daffodils, dolls in Welsh costumes, castles and red dragon flags may have some value in helping to convey a sense of identity to younger pupils, it will give a false impression of Wales in the modern world to older pupils.
Experiences will be planned to ensure that pupils’ learning is progressive; they will begin with the familiar and move on to a wider perspective relating to the diversity of all Welsh cultures.
The specific aims of our Cwricwlwm Cymraeg are:
- To give pupils a sense of place and heritage.
- To give pupils a sense of belonging.
- To help pupils become aware of the part played by language and literature in the history and life of Wales.
- To give pupils an awareness of the creative and expressive arts in Wales.
- To give pupils an awareness and understanding of the factors which have shaped the religious beliefs and practices of people in Wales.
- To give pupils an awareness of contemporary issues as they affect Wales.