Estyn is the organisation responsible education and training in Wales. with a vision to improve the quality of education and training and outcomes for all learners in Wales.
Cleddau Reach was last inspected by Estyn in June 2019, where it was found to be 'Good' in each of the following categories:
- Standards
- Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning
- Teaching and Learning Experiences
- Care, Support and Guidance
- Leadership and Management
The inspection team stated that:
"The school provides a secure environment in which pupils feel safe, happy and eager to learn. Pupils are attentive, caring and considerate towards each other. They are curious and ambitious and have positive attitudes towards their learning. Their behaviour in and around school is excellent. The curriculum is rich, broad and balanced and most teachers have suitable expectations of what pupils can achieve and set appropriately challenging tasks for them."
"As a result, most pupils develop their literacy, mathematical and information and communication technology (ICT) skills well. The quality of pupils’ learning experiences in the foundation phase is very high. The leadership team focuses well on establishing an ethos in which most pupils achieve well. The governing body supports the school well and ensures that its resources and budget are managed efficiently."
A full copy of the inspection report can be found here: Cleddau Reach Estyn Report June 19