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Cleddau Reach VC Primary School

Cleddau Reach VC Primary School

Expressive Arts

At Cleddau Reach the dynamic nature of the Expressive Arts engage and motivate learners, developing their creative, artistic and performance skills to the full.

The Expressive Arts Area of Learning and Experience centres on the five disciplines of art, dance, drama, film and digital media, and music.

While these disciplines have a common creative process and share transferable skills, each has its own discrete body of knowledge and set of discernible skills.

Learners will be taught new skills, have support to practice and then be given opportunities to independently apply their knowledge skills and understanding through a range of contexts.  

All teachers are leaders in Expressive Arts.  Embedded provision to develop the appropriate skills knowledge and experiences for Expressive Arts includes: 

  • Performances across all disciplines and across all year groups
  • Wind instrumental tuition for those who wish to take part
  • Recorders 
  • Dance & gymnastics lessons
  • Drama lessons
  • Animation lessons
  • Making and editing films
  • Mixed media art lessons
  • 3D-modelling lessons
  • Singing whole school, year groups and individual, as well as our School Choir
  • Exposure and participation in theatrical performances and film
  • Visits to art galleries
  • Opportunities to work with local artists
  • Exposure to music, art and writing from different cultures and time
  • Green screening
  • Using digital media devices to record, arrange and improvise music


Music Gallery

Various images linked to music activities/events