Our Governors
The Governing Body of Cleddau Reach VC Primary School is made up of a range of people from many different backgrounds, including representatives from the community councils, church, the local community, parents and staff. All Governors are volunteers and we offer our time, skills and experience to help run the School. Although as Governors we receive training from the Local Authority and their partners, we are lay people, not experts and our role is to act as a critical or questioning friend.
Cleddau Reach Governing Body Annual Report to Parents 2022-2023
What We Do
The Governing Body works with the school’s Senior Leadership team and Staff to ensure all children at Cleddau Reach receive the best educational opportunities possible. The Governing Body is responsible for:
- Managing the school’s budget.
- Ensuring there is a balanced and broad curriculum.
- Reporting on the standards being achieved.
- Appointment of senior staff.
- Developing and maintaining a strategic vision in line with our distinctive caring environment and school values.
Following on from an inspection by Estyn or local authority, Governors will also support the leadership team in the creation of an action plan for the school in response to the inspection report.
How We Work
Our role is strategic, whilst the school’s Senior Leadership Team, with whom we work closely, has responsibility for the day-to-day management of the school. The Full Governing Body meet three times in an academic year with additional smaller sub-committees covering areas such as:
- Curriculum & Standards
- Finance
- Pay
We also have individual governors who take the lead in monitoring many areas of the school, including: attendance, additional learning needs, health & safety and safeguarding.
Business is conducted through meetings where we make decisions collectively as a team. Meetings typically take place at the end of the school day in and can involve a lot of paperwork which governors are required to read in advance.
Governors also like to come and visit the school and be involved in school life ( as much as circumstances allow) . We particularly enjoy attending events like concerts, sporting events, festivals and Church Services where we can celebrate the achievements of the children as well as sharing in significant moments in the life of the school. Above all, we hope to support the staff of the school in creating a safe, happy and pleasant environment in which to learn and play together.
Who We Are
Click on the link below to see who makes up our Full Governing Body:
Cleddau Reach Full Governing Body 2022-2023
A Message from Our Chair
"As has been said above, the work governors undertake is entirely voluntary. However, despite our busy lives, our governing body is fortunate to call on a very wide range of experience and expertise. We share one principal aim: to help to make our school the very best it can be."
"As Chair of Governors my role is to lead and to work with my governor colleagues on a range of activities connected with the good governance of the school. Principal amongst these is the appointment of all staff to the school. However, the role extends well beyond this - from chairing meetings to liaising with officers of the local education authority at chairs of governors meetings to attending meetings covering a whole range of issues."
Outside of the regular meetings I meet regularly with our Head Teacher, Mr Rhys Buckley, and work closely with him to ensure the smooth running of the school, the welfare of staff and pupils and the effective provision of high quality education.
Though the role is a very time consuming and challenging one it is extremely satisfying and fulfilling.
Victoria Owens
Chair of Governors.