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Cleddau Reach VC Primary School

Cleddau Reach VC Primary School

Mathematics & Numeracy

Mathematics is an international discipline, and numeracy, the application of mathematics, plays a critical part in our private, social and civic lives, and in the economic health of the nation.

At Cleddau Reach we ensure that mathematics and numeracy experiences are engaging, exciting and accessible for learners, and that they ensure that learners develop mathematical resilience (the ability to embrace challenge as a positive aspect of learning).

In the Foundation Phase, play forms an important part in the development of mathematics and numeracy, enabling our learners to solve problems, explore ideas, establish connections and collaborate with others.

In later years, learners have opportunities to work both independently and collaboratively to build on the foundations established in the early years.

For learners of all ages, real-life examples drawn from the local, national and international environment help them make connections between the concrete and the abstract.

Real-life contexts are used to introduce and explore mathematical concepts, as well as to consolidate them. Teaching introduces a reasoning and problem-solving approach to all mathematics and numeracy experiences to support the development both of positive dispositions and of the four purposes of the curriculum, as well as the development of the mathematical proficiencies.

At Cleddau Reach, we encourage children to explore links with mathematics and numeracy across all areas of learning and in the real world. Embedded provision to develop the appropriate skills knowledge and experiences for Mathematics and Numeracy includes: 

  • Daily mathematics lessons
  • Numeracy links in across the curriculum, e.g. measuring of liquids in Science
  • Appropriate Numeracy intervention for identified pupils
  • TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars)
  • Weekly arithmetic assessments in Key Stage 2
  • Concrete to visual to abstract approach
  • Numicon and Target Maths
  • Use of IDL interactive platforms using computers/tablets 

Numeracy Gallery

Various images linked to numeracy activities/events