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Cleddau Reach VC Primary School

Cleddau Reach VC Primary School

Pupil Voice

Research shows that pupils learn more when they are engaged with their learning in a meaningful way and feel consulted about their thoughts and ideas. At Cleddau Reach we value what our pupils think and actively include them in our decision-making processes.

We have an aim to develop our pupils into:

  • ambitious, capable learners
  • enterprising, creative contributors
  • ethical, informed citizens
  • healthy, confident individuals

We are aware in school that we’re educating pupils for jobs that don’t exist yet; we therefore need to develop their confidence by valuing their opinions; teaching them to solve real life problems through collaborating and communicating effectively and developing their mind-set to one which believes in hard work being a crucial part to success.

Here are some of the ways we engage with our pupils:

School Council

Two pupils from Reception-Y6 are selected each year to represent the pupils as the ‘School Council.’ This is a very important role requiring the children to put themselves forward as candidates and explain why they would make a good school councillor. Their classmates vote to decide who represents them. The chosen pupils meet regularly with Mr. Pearson and throughout the year will report back to governors!

The School Council Executive Committee for 2021 -2022 is:

Charlotte Baxter (Chairperson)

Aneurin Preddy (Vice - Chairperson)

Isabella Tawn (Secretary)

Pupil Voice Sessions

Each child at Cleddau Reach has an opportunity to have their say on key decisions and choices throughout the year through our ‘Pupil Voice’ sessions. These take place on a regular basis throughout each term within each classroom, with pupils feeding back ideas to their School Council representatives. 

Criw Cymraeg

The role of the Criw Cymraeg is to promote the Welsh language and the Welsh ethos of our school. We are currently working towards our Siarter Iaith/Language Charter award.