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Cleddau Reach VC Primary School

Cleddau Reach VC Primary School

Science & Technology

The importance of science and technology in our modern world cannot be overstated. Developments in these areas have always been drivers of change in society, underpinning innovation and impacting on everyone’s lives economically, culturally and environmentally. As such, our Science and Technology Area of Learning and Experience area will be increasingly relevant in the opportunities young people encounter and the life choices that they make.

This AoLE draws on the disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, design and technology, and physics to enhance learners’ knowledge and understanding of the world.

At Cleddau Reach we encourage children to explore links with Science, Technology and the real world.  It is not sufficient our pupils can simply ‘do’ Science and Technology. 

Embedded provision to develop the appropriate skills knowledge and experiences for Science and Technology includes: 

  • Two investigations per term (Y2-Y6)
  • Science Planners
  • Transition investigations for Y6 with our local secondary school
  • Outdoor learning when appropriate
  • Links with STEM Ambassadors and Engineers
  • Consistent design, make and evaluate approach
  • Coding devices eg BeeBots, Spheros, BBC microbits
  • Use of digital devices eg chrome books, iPads
  • Use of Digital Learning Platforms – Hwb, class page, shared area (Flip Learning)


At Cleddau Reach science investigations must not only develop a range of skills, but must also link to the real world. We believe that when children see the relevance of learning, they are able to develop the knowledge and understanding needed to support progress. 

It is also vital that pupils develop a progressive scientific language to support their learning, and to enable them to explain their thinking.  Click on the link below to see a list of key vocabulary that teachers will develop through the teaching of science, and all other AoLEs:

CR Scientific Vocabulary Progression