Our Vision
At Cleddau Reach our vision is what motivates and inspires us to keep focussed on what we want to achieve, both as individuals and as a school. It's a vision for all within our school community: children, staff, parents and governors.
As a proud Church of Wales Voluntary Controlled School, our vision is underpinned by the following Bible verse, "All things are possible." Mark 9:23
Our Values
Our values are the way that we seek to do things here at Cleddau Reach. Our values are based in the Christian faith, however they are also values that are crucial in the social and emotional development of every individual within our school community, whatever their faith or background.
Our whole-school assemblies, class assemblies, RE & PSHE lessons each allow us to reflect and deepen our understanding of our values. In addition, both pupils and staff support each other in demonstrating these values on a day-to-day basis simply by conducting themselves in an acceptable manner.
All together, we have six core values that we focus on here at Cleddau Reach. Each term we focus on a different value, asking ourselves how we can demonstrate this value ourselves and celebrate it in others. Throughout the school year children have opportunities to revisit and reflect on the values they have previously studied.
Our six core values are:
1. Thankfulness
2. Compassion
3. Honesty
4. Forgiveness
5. Friendship
6. Courage