Welcome to Year 1
Miss Eldred
Learning Support Assistants
Miss John & Ms DaviesLife in Year 1
Leaving Reception behind and moving into Year 1 can feel like a big step for both children and parents. The Year 1 staff are here to make this transition easier for everyone, by supporting the children in their next learning step. As a school, we want to make the transition to Year 1 a smooth one. The children’s school day will be a little more structured than it was in Reception and they will be learning in a variety of ways; exploring the outdoors, in groups, as a whole class & around the school.
We will immerse ourselves into a variety of topics throughout the year. Our learning journey will explore creepy-crawlies, life on a farm, polar kingdoms and lots in-between. We will also be developing our numerical skills, consolidating our understanding of numbers to 20 and moving onto working within 100. In reading, there will be a continuation of their phonological understanding and moving from blending to read words to recognising words by sight. We're also moving towards a bigger focus on handwriting, punctuation and spelling, so lots of reading at home will support this.